Q: Dysplasia vs dysplastic

When going through old examinations in basal pathology, 5th semester medicine, I wondered how, on one hand, dysplasia is defined as being a reversible, non-neoplastic condition, but on the other hand, the term “dysplastic” is used to describe cytologic and histologic changes in benign and malignant tumours.  Can you explain this?

Q: Question on distinguishing between etiology and pathogenesis

Dear teachers (and students) of pathology,

I am having some trouble distinguishing between etiology and pathogenesis.
E.g. during atherosclerosis:
– Etiology = e.g. cholesterol, hypertension, smoking, obesity, diabetes etc.
– Pathogenesis = intimal inflammation (possibly caused by the deposition of cholesterol).

Is it “simply” a question of cause and effect/process?

Added by: Sara

On: May 8th 2012